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9 things you are doing that would be a mess of your dog


Dogs are smart, but let’s get this way – it’s worth it to look good. When they try to understand people, we often send mixed symptoms without an awareness. Just to change the rules to use the words that do not understand, what we do can leave the Cannine’s friends who reject their heads (or encouraging? If your dog looks confused with something because you don’t understand what you want.

To say one thing but do something


Dogs depends on more on the body language than words, so your actions don’t match what you are saying, throw them in a farming. If you call your dog over a lot, they may decide because your language is dangerous. Likewise, if you are telling them to keep them going with your hands, they may think you are inviting you. Always make sure your rules are your moves in sync to not be disturbed.

To change the rules without warning


One day, your dog is allowed in bed, and the next day, she is despised to jump. One minute, requesting on the table is not ignored, but at one point, they start “in!” Dogs are happy to be unchanged; A sudden change stops them in wonder what it went wrong. If you want your child to understand homesick rules, make sure everyone in the family will always be left, they will be left behind. The rules seem to change the day.

Using a lot of words


Dogs are best to pick up words with a language of the body, but a free explanation? Not very much. If you say, “Kange, I wish you to get out of bed because I’m only cleaning and I don’t want to be in a simple, packed, just saying the dogs are not alube. Save a brief and sweet.

Expect to understand the respect


Humans have all kinds of human society, such as greetings or handling each other or take care of each other. Dogs, however, with their own laws, and they don’t agree with our always. For example, looking in the eyes of a dog for a long time can be threatening, hugs – which is the sign of people – can make other dogs to listen. Recognizing how the dogs communicate with us can help avoid disagreement and keep your child.

Laughter in their bad habits


Dogs are very interested in reading thoughts, so if you laugh at the wrong thing, they can take them as an encouragement. This means that your dog comes sock and you have a little, think that stealing is a fun sport. Although it is difficult to be a straight face when your dog becomes worthless.

To punish them after the truth


If you can come home to find a tip of a tipping shoe and immediately your dog, maybe unite with anger that was destroyed by the past. Dogs are currently, and unless you find it in this, they don’t understand why they are punished. Instead of repeating a repeated reaction, avoiding badness by recovering the real time and to promote good habits.

Expect to always give you a greeting with happiness


We love us when our dogs go with excitement when we come home, but sometimes, they may not be able to greet us. If your dog looks up or uncomfortable, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like you, it can only mean that he is in the middle of the noise, or the natural agents. Some dogs reflect lovely love, if you follow you or resting their head. Waiting for the greeting to be naughty-tail of a measurement can cause unnecessary stress and problem.

Don’t give them a limit


Dogs look up to their people to guide them; If the rules are not heard, they have made their own. If your dog pulls the tip, jumps on guests, or against the doors before you, it’s not to be trying to be bad – it’s because it doesn’t understand what is expected. Using clear limits via the adventure of a device helps dogs to feel secure and distracts the form of acceptable behavior.

Following differently from the way you change


Dogs are connected to the way the owner feels, and if your actions changes according to your feelings, it can be confused. If you feel better and allow jumps on one day, but you pay the same acts of the same day, don’t know what is right or wrong. Keeping an unchanged way, even if you have a difficult day, help your dog feel secure and understanding what’s expecting them.

The secret of human culture continues


Dogs may be good to make us, but still finds many disturbances. Our rules that are adapted, mixed symptoms, as well as unusual that will make life a fool. Still, he remains patient, and the attitude needs of us. The best thing we can do is to speak, be consistent, and they are leaving for the consequence of our human mind. It’s always not what we do, but one thing is definite – what doesn’t love us without disturbance!

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