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11 A good childbirth to people who hate the gym


If you like dogs but run long distances or timer, you’re not alone. Fortunately, the dog’s reproductivity is well completed with low-level exercise, making good relatives to those who like the most relaxed life. These dogs don’t want to work too hard but give you love and relationship. If you want a pet and loving habits without an act of physical exercise, there are many types that will be right in your background. Enjoy an unemployed relationship!

Shih Tzu


Shih Tzus and small dogs with great personality, and are known as being contentously satisfied with a limited exercise. These small boys like to be on the legs or floods in bed, and they are very happy every day. Despite their playing string, they do not need a single exercise or continuous stimulation to maintain satisfaction. Their self-control and love makes them happy with anyone who enjoys a better life.

French Bulldog


France Bullogs is a barrier, solid, and lazy when it’s a physical activity. It is made to be comforted and don’t like to hang out with a lion or shaking at a spamping center around the house. Although they enjoy a short walk, they are satisfied with a home play and it is not good to exercise. Bullogs French is a good color to anyone who wants a better dressed friend who makes it happy.

Cavavaner King Charles Spiaanel


Cavava King Charles Spainells are known as lovers and discomfort, and it’s a good way to those who do not want to try for a long time. The dogs need several events each day, but usually there is a temporary walk or time to visit them to make them happy. It can bend close to your side than you walk like a whiter, making them a good game to someone who appreciates the rest of the time. Their gentle condition makes them feel quiet at home.

Basket Hounds


Palt Hours and smoking kings, and they don’t like running or jumping around. The low-light lights make it perfect for people who like to take things slowly. Walking slowly around the log is enough to meet their needs, and will be happy to be their whole time with you. It’s their gentle nature, Basht buildings are interesting to those who want to buy a dog free.



The pugs are known for their beautiful personality and love. These small dogs have a natural habit, and they like to spend time with their owners instead of exercise. Though they have a regular visit and time to talk, they are very happy with short events and likes to rest at home. Pugs are good for everyone who wants a sweet, a funny dog ​​that is very happy without asking outward tourists.



Chihuahuas can be small, but it’s very low in comparison with many small varieties. Even though they can have power, satisfying a lot of time, often tapped on a tree or to find a cool place to sleep. Walking quickly around the sort of exercise required for daily exercise, and they often don’t want to play always. The little size is reduced to the best to everyone who wants a pet that does not plan for the number of events.



Dachshonds can have a psychological, but they are not too high because many people think. Small “bright” dogs are happy with a temporary walk and likes to have a time to spend with the owner. Even if they can be played, they are happy with a good sleep or association. With their vivid views and their physical activity, Dachshonds make major pets to anyone who does not want to deal with a scattered dog.

English Bulldog


Sociality of English cultures are known as their natural natural, which is perfect, and is perfect for the owners who want a partner who is a partner of the gym. These dogs are happy to go for a while but they are not so happy to spend all their time around the house. They like to have a minimum, steady and loving time to go out all day. If you want a happy dog ​​who is happy in bed while moving fast, English bulldog may be a good choice for you.

Shiba muu


When shiba muu is known as a form of independent type, it does not require the most exercise to be happy. These dogs enjoy the balance of physical activity, but it’s just satisfied with a relaxed way or at one time looking for a circle. Shiba atus is good for people who do not want a dog who wants to always workout but still grateful for foreign times. Independence makes them perfect for people who need a sleeping dog that enjoys the outside of what they do.



Havanese loves each other, flexibility, and, most of all, lower case to improve physical activity. These dogs don’t want to exercise more physically, make them make it a good way to people who can be inside. Although they are happy to travel temporarily and play sessions, they are usually satisfied with a house, curving near the owners. Havanese is a perfect version to those who have a gentle friend, a loving friend who should not continue to move to movement.

About toka


The dogs of rudder are small, attractive, and he has a gentle manner that makes them perfect for people who are not in the gym. They are happy and temporarily walking, restless and time to spend, and do not want to be heavy, exercise. Maltas dogs like to be interested in love, and they are satisfactory in the house as they return to walk outside. Their loving nature and drawing of physical activity makes them a good choice for someone who wants to settle down.

Mr. Kot potato dogs


If you like to rest running, there is a form of a dog that agrees with your back home. These dogs are satisfied with the gym and enjoying what you do. Perfect on lazy days at home, they need a little exercise but gives love and association. If a long-time travel and foreign movements are not, the low dogs will steal your heart, and let you keep your attention with loyal pets and love.

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